Choosing The Right Massage Table


When you work in a massage or manual therapy-based profession, one of your most important pieces of equipment is your table. As well as being a significant investment, your massage table or treatment table can affect the quality of your work overall. You want a table that is comfortable, hygienic, and long-lasting, while still fitting within your budget.

There are many initial factors to consider when choosing a massage table. You need to consider the work you’re doing and exactly what you need out of your table. After all, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, remedial massage therapists, and exercise physiologists may all use a treatment table. While there are certainly similarities in these professions, the massage table you need will be guided by the kind of manual therapy, physical therapy, or massage work you specialize in.

As well as this, it is important to consider why you are buying your treatment table. The needs of a small business owner will differ to the needs of a large allied health practice or a practitioner who focuses on home visits. Keeping all those things in mind, we have put together a list of considerations to guide you in choosing the right massage table or treatment table to achieve the best outcomes for your patients’ diverse needs.

10 Things To Consider When Choosing Your Treatment Table

Your Budget

Massage tables vary in price from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, but as a healthcare professional, you can’t hesitate to spend what you need to. However, it still pays to be sensible with your budget. For example, if you’re setting up your clinic for the first time, a lot of money may already be allocated to rent, marketing, utilities, insurance, and registering your business. In this case, you may want to invest in a more affordable treatment table until you establish your presence, fill your book with patients, and improve your cash flow.

If you are an established clinic or larger practice, you may be able to afford a more premium massage table. Remember to consider every aspect of your budget before making a purchase.

Durability And Maintenance

Your massage table will be one of your most used pieces of equipment, and it will likely see some heavy use. Patients will be sitting and laying on your table and you will be applying force during your treatment. It’s important to buy a table with high-quality, sturdy material such as stainless steel for the legs and base. The material for the table itself should be protective and oil resistant, ensuring it looks great and avoids degrading over time. Massage tables and treatment tables should also be easy to maintain. The surface should be simple to clean and wipe down while any moving parts should only require minimal maintenance to keep in the best condition.

Patient Comfort

You can purchase modern massage tables that are soft and comfortable to the touch. These tables often feature a multi-layer cushioning system with foams that are designed to improve patient comfort. The Dunlop cushioning system is one such product that features in many quality massage tables.

Working Height And Working Load

As an allied health professional, you will be treating patients from all walks of life and of all shapes and sizes. You need to ensure that the table you select can safely treat patients, regardless of their weight. Many massage tables and treatment tables can handle working weights of 200 kilograms and above without sacrificing on their lightweight design. Ensuring the table is at the right height for each treatment will aid you in providing optimal outcomes for patients as well as comfort for the practitioner.


If you’re considering an adjustable treatment table, check the increments it is adjustable in. You should look at the number of increments available, as well as the size between each increment, to determine just how adjustable the table really is. As well as this, it’s worth looking at manual versus motorized adjustable tables and determining which option is best for you.

Drop Sections

Drop sections are common in chiropractic tables and are used to produce a drop action during treatment. The treatment table you choose could feature manual drop sections, powered drop sections, or magnetic systems such as those featured in the Apollo 5 Advantage. When it comes to drop sections, the main thing you are looking for is adjustability, durability, and the ability to produce a smooth, responsive drop action.


Do you offer regular home visits for your patients? Maybe you work across multiple clinics where you have to supply your own table. If you’re in a situation like this, portability is highly important in your massage table. To ensure portability, look for a table that is lightweight and able to be folded away and carried easily while still offering all the functionality you need.


If anything goes wrong with your massage table, it’s good to know that you’re covered. Look for a treatment table with an Australian warranty. In general, this should include a structural warranty of up to 10 years (or even a lifetime warranty) as well as five years for the hardware. If your table has any motorized features, there should be a warranty on the motor too.


Here are a few other things to consider when purchasing your treatment table:

  • Face recess plug
  • Headrests and armrests
  • Storage and carry bags
  • Fitted sheets
  • Footrests and footswitches

Shop For Your Treatment Table Online

By shopping for your massage table online, you can easily view the specifications, features, inclusions, functionality, and accessories available. Online shopping also makes it easier to compare prices, see reviews, and view expert recommendations from peers in your field.