Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in Bali


Yoga, an ancient practice originating from India, has evolved over thousands of years into a holistic discipline that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. In recent decades, yoga has gained immense popularity worldwide, leading to an increased demand for qualified yoga teachers. While a foundational 200-hour yoga teacher training provides the essential skills and knowledge to begin teaching, advanced yoga teacher training takes this a step further. It delves deeper into the subtleties of yoga practice and teaching, offering seasoned practitioners an opportunity to refine their skills, deepen their understanding, and enhance their personal practice.

Advanced yoga teacher training programs are designed to build upon the knowledge and experience acquired in foundational training. These programs aim to equip teachers with advanced techniques, comprehensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology, a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy, and the skills needed to address a diverse range of student needs. Ultimately, the goal is to create highly skilled, knowledgeable, and confident yoga teachers who can inspire and guide their students with expertise and authenticity.

Prerequisites and Eligibility

Before enrolling in an advanced yoga teacher training program, it is essential to meet certain prerequisites to ensure readiness for the intensive study and practice. Typically, these prerequisites include:

  • Minimum Experience and Prior Certification: Most advanced yoga teacher training programs require applicants to have completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training certification. This foundational training ensures that participants have a solid understanding of basic yoga principles and teaching methods.
  • Personal Practice Requirements: A consistent personal practice is crucial for advanced training. Participants should have a regular yoga practice, demonstrating dedication and commitment to their personal growth and development.
  • Physical and Mental Readiness: Advanced training can be physically and mentally demanding. It is essential for participants to be in good physical health and possess the mental resilience needed to engage deeply with the training material and practices.

Meeting these prerequisites helps ensure that participants are adequately prepared for the rigors of advanced training and can fully benefit from the program.

Core Curriculum of Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

The core curriculum of advanced yoga teacher training is designed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of various aspects of yoga. Key components of the curriculum include:

In-Depth Study of Asanas and Advanced Techniques

Advanced training offers an opportunity to explore a wide range of asanas (poses) in greater detail. Participants learn advanced techniques, variations, and modifications for each pose, allowing them to teach more effectively and address the diverse needs of their students. This includes an exploration of inversions, arm balances, and other challenging poses that require a deeper understanding of alignment, balance, and strength.

Advanced Anatomy and Physiology

A thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology is essential for advanced yoga teachers. The curriculum includes detailed study of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, and the impact of yoga on various bodily functions. This knowledge helps teachers guide their students safely and effectively, preventing injuries and promoting overall well-being.

Yoga Philosophy and Texts

Advanced training delves deeper into the philosophical aspects of yoga, exploring key texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Participants gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural context of yoga, as well as its spiritual and ethical dimensions. This knowledge enriches their teaching and helps them convey the deeper meanings of yoga to their students.

Pranayama and Meditation

Breathwork (pranayama) and meditation are integral components of advanced yoga practice. Participants learn advanced pranayama techniques to enhance their breath control and energy management. Meditation practices are explored in depth, helping teachers develop a personal meditation practice and learn how to guide their students in meditation effectively.

Teaching Methodology and Advanced Sequencing

Advanced training includes comprehensive instruction on teaching methodology and advanced sequencing. Participants learn how to create well-structured and dynamic class sequences that cater to different levels and needs of students. This includes understanding the principles of alignment, pacing, and theming, as well as how to incorporate props and modifications to enhance the practice.

Yoga Therapy and Adjustments

Understanding how to apply yoga as a therapeutic practice is a crucial aspect of advanced training. Participants learn how to use yoga techniques to address specific health conditions and support healing. Additionally, advanced training includes instruction on hands-on adjustments, helping teachers develop the skills needed to safely and effectively assist their students in deepening their practice.

Ethics and the Business of Yoga

Ethical considerations and the business aspects of teaching yoga are also covered in advanced training. Participants explore the ethical responsibilities of a yoga teacher, including maintaining professional boundaries, creating a safe and inclusive environment, and fostering a sense of community. Additionally, practical aspects of running a successful yoga business, such as marketing, branding, and financial management, are addressed.

Specialized Modules and Electives

Advanced yoga teacher training programs often offer specialized modules and electives that allow participants to tailor their training to their specific interests and career goals. Some popular specialized modules and electives include:

Therapeutic Yoga and Yoga for Special Populations

Therapeutic yoga focuses on using yoga practices to address specific health conditions and support overall well-being. Participants learn how to design and teach classes for individuals with various health issues, such as chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and other physical or mental health conditions. This module equips teachers with the skills needed to provide safe and effective yoga therapy.

Yoga for Athletes

Yoga for athletes is a specialized module that focuses on using yoga to enhance athletic performance and support recovery. Participants learn how to design and teach yoga classes that cater to the specific needs of athletes, including improving flexibility, strength, balance, and mental focus. This module is particularly beneficial for teachers who work with sports teams or individual athletes.

Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga

Prenatal and postnatal yoga modules focus on the unique needs of pregnant and postpartum women. Participants learn how to safely and effectively teach yoga to support women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This includes understanding the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, as well as modifications and precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and baby.

Yoga Nidra and Restorative Practices

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a powerful relaxation and meditation practice that promotes deep rest and healing. Participants learn how to guide their students through Yoga Nidra sessions, as well as how to incorporate restorative yoga practices into their teaching. These practices are particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Advanced Workshops and Masterclasses

Advanced training often includes workshops and masterclasses led by experienced teachers and experts in various fields. These sessions provide participants with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in specific areas, such as advanced asanas, pranayama, meditation, and more. Workshops and masterclasses also offer a chance for participants to learn from and be inspired by leading figures in the yoga community.

Teaching Practicum and Mentorship

A key component of advanced yoga teacher training is the teaching practicum and mentorship. This aspect of the training provides participants with hands-on teaching experience and personalized feedback to help them refine their skills and build confidence. Key elements of the teaching practicum and mentorship include:

Practice Teaching Sessions

Participants have the opportunity to lead practice teaching sessions, where they can apply what they have learned in a supportive and structured environment. These sessions allow participants to practice their teaching skills, experiment with sequencing and adjustments, and receive constructive feedback from their peers and instructors.

Feedback and Evaluations

Receiving feedback is a crucial part of the learning process in advanced training. Participants receive detailed feedback and evaluations on their teaching, helping them identify their strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback is invaluable for personal and professional growth, as it provides specific guidance on how to enhance their teaching skills.

Mentorship and Peer Support

Mentorship is an integral part of advanced training, providing participants with personalized guidance and support from experienced teachers. Mentors offer advice, share their experiences, and provide encouragement, helping participants navigate the challenges and opportunities of advanced training. Additionally, the sense of community and peer support among participants fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

Building Confidence and Refining Teaching Skills

The teaching practicum and mentorship help participants build confidence in their teaching abilities and refine their skills. Through practice teaching, feedback, and mentorship, participants develop the tools and techniques needed to teach effectively and inspire their students. This process also helps participants find their unique teaching voice and style, enhancing their authenticity and presence as a teacher.

Personal Development and Transformation

Advanced yoga teacher training is not only about acquiring new knowledge and skills but also about personal development and transformation. This journey of self-discovery and growth is a fundamental aspect of the training, helping participants deepen their connection to themselves and their practice. Key aspects of personal development and transformation in advanced training include:

Deepening Personal Practice and Self-Awareness

Advanced training encourages participants to deepen their personal practice and develop greater self-awareness. Through consistent practice, reflection, and self-inquiry, participants gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship to yoga. This self-awareness enhances their teaching and helps them connect more authentically with their students.

Overcoming Challenges and Personal Growth

The intensive nature of advanced training often presents challenges, both physically and mentally. Participants learn to navigate these challenges, developing resilience and perseverance. This process of overcoming obstacles fosters personal growth and transformation, helping participants discover their inner strength and potential.

Building a Sustainable Practice and Lifestyle

Advanced training emphasizes the importance of building a sustainable practice and lifestyle. Participants learn how to integrate yoga into their daily lives, creating a balanced and holistic approach to well-being. This sustainable practice supports their personal growth and enhances their ability to teach and inspire others.

Certification and Continuing Education

Completing an advanced yoga teacher training program often leads to a higher level of certification, such as a 300-hour or 500-hour certification. This certification signifies a deeper level of expertise and commitment to the practice and teaching of yoga. Key aspects of certification and continuing education include:

Requirements for Certification

To achieve advanced certification, participants must meet specific requirements, including completing the required hours of training, practice teaching, and assessments. These requirements ensure that participants have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to teach at an advanced level.

Continuing Education and Professional Development

Yoga is a continually evolving practice, and continuing education is essential for maintaining and enhancing teaching skills. Advanced training programs often include opportunities for continuing education, such as workshops, seminars, and retreats. These opportunities help teachers stay updated with the latest developments in yoga and continue their professional growth.

Networking and Community Involvement

Advanced training also provides opportunities for networking and community involvement. Participants connect with fellow yoga teachers and practitioners, building a supportive and collaborative community. Involvement in the yoga community fosters ongoing learning, inspiration, and professional opportunities.


Advanced yoga teacher training is a transformative journey that offers participants the opportunity to deepen their practice, refine their teaching skills, and grow both personally and professionally. Through a comprehensive and in-depth curriculum, specialized modules, hands-on teaching experience, and personal development, advanced training equips teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to inspire and guide their students with expertise and authenticity. Whether you are looking to enhance your teaching abilities, deepen your personal practice, or pursue a specialization, advanced yoga teacher training is a valuable investment in your growth and development as a yoga teacher. Embrace the journey, and let the transformative power of advanced training elevate your practice and teaching to new heights.