Marijuana Use And Sexual Health


Marijuana is one of the many herbal and organic product found in nature which has an intoxicating effect. Intake of marijuana can also cause an addiction. Marijuana can be taken and used in a number of ways but the most used method is using it as “pot” or smoking it. Marijuana smoking and using had been illegal from a long time, however after researches concluded its medical benefits and potential of marijuana in medicinal value has opened the doors for its pharmaceutical use in many states in USA.

Marijuana has been proven to help women to go through periods and can be written as a prescription drug by medical practitioners in USA. It has a researched and proven benefit on women to reduce pain, cramps and increasing productivity during periods while relieving them of pain. It also has anti-seizure properties and is a great pain reliever. Apart from these proven uses, there are many mythical and rumours about benefits of marijuana aka pot on sexual health.

Those who consume pot have claimed how they were able to achieve as well as maintain an erection which they could not do without pot. They have also claimed a longer duration of sex as well as more pleasurable experience. However, it is seen that this is nothing more than a mix of intoxicated observation as well as placebo effect.

The effect of pot on sexual life is similar to alcohol. The consumer will feel how he had the best experience of life in short term usage but in reality it affects negatively in prolonged period of usage as well as it causes risky behaviour in terms of sexual life. A small number of studies too claimed these positive effects of marijuana on sexual health but due to their wrong scientific approach, there results cannot be trusted.

Majorly, pot usage causes erectile dysfunction. It reduces the blood flow to the brain as well as body and there are major chances of going into cardiac arrest if a high amount of marijuana is taken once at a time. Therefore, reduced blood flow reduces blood pressure and causes erectile dysfunction as major cause of ED is irregular blood flow. Nerve receptors in penis were inhibited due to use of marijuana hence it leads to loss of erection.

Cannabis or marijuana has a relaxing effect on body. It makes mind and body numb and that is why it reduces the performance in sex. Instead, it’s relaxing effect results in demotivating from having sex. Thus as users claimed that it enhanced sex was nothing more than placebo effect. There have also been chances and instances on delay in ejaculation and pain during intercourse, however as pain receptors are dead many of the consumers do not feel it.

The biggest issue with use of marijuana is how it increases risk taking behaviour of users in terms of sexual judgement. It increases chances of having unsafe sex with multiple partners as well as rough manhandling with a single partner. It can also result in a behaviour during sexual activities which increases chances of STD transmission.

Use of marijuana has more effects like dehydration which leads to paling and drying of skin. It also reaches down to penis and vaginal areas and due to this dryness, erection is not caused in males and vaginal dryness in females leads to loss of libido. To overcome these effects of marijuana, there are several creams which can be applied on vaginal area which moisturises the skin.

Getting off marijuana and rehabilitating along with using these creams is also important to reclaim your sexual life.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has long been a topic of debate, particularly regarding its effects on health. While its medicinal uses are widely recognized, its impact on sexual health remains a less explored area. This article delves into the complex relationship between marijuana use and sexual health, examining both the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis consumption in the context of sexual well-being.


The Effects of Marijuana on Libido

  • Increased Libido: Many users report an enhanced sexual experience after consuming marijuana. Some studies suggest that cannabis can increase libido by reducing anxiety and increasing relaxation. The psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) can lower inhibitions, making individuals more open to sexual activity. This effect is often more pronounced in lower doses, where users experience heightened sensory perception and increased sexual desire.
  • Decreased Libido: Conversely, heavy marijuana use has been associated with a decrease in sexual desire. Chronic use can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, particularly in men, which may result in lower libido. Additionally, some users may experience lethargy or a lack of motivation, further contributing to a reduced interest in sexual activity.

Impact on Sexual Performance

  • Enhanced Sensation: Many users claim that marijuana enhances sexual pleasure by increasing sensitivity to touch and enhancing the overall sensory experience. This can lead to prolonged and more intense orgasms. Some research supports these claims, indicating that cannabis can enhance sexual satisfaction for some individuals.
  • Erectile Dysfunction: On the other hand, marijuana use, particularly in high doses, has been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. THC affects the blood flow to the genitals, which can result in difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Chronic use may exacerbate this issue, making it a concern for regular users.
  • Delayed Ejaculation: Marijuana can also impact ejaculation. Some men report delayed ejaculation while under the influence of cannabis, which can either be perceived as beneficial or problematic depending on the individual’s perspective. While this may prolong sexual activity, it could also lead to frustration for both partners.

Fertility and Reproductive Health

  • Effects on Sperm Count: Studies have shown that marijuana use can affect male fertility by reducing sperm count and motility. THC has been found to disrupt the production of sperm, leading to lower sperm counts and potentially impacting the ability to conceive. This effect is particularly concerning for regular users or those who are trying to conceive.
  • Impact on Ovulation: In women, marijuana use can affect reproductive health by disrupting the menstrual cycle and ovulation. THC can interfere with the release of hormones necessary for ovulation, potentially leading to irregular cycles and challenges in conception. Women who are trying to conceive may need to consider the impact of cannabis on their reproductive health.
  • Pregnancy Risks: For pregnant women, marijuana use is particularly concerning. THC can cross the placenta, potentially affecting fetal development. Studies have linked marijuana use during pregnancy to low birth weight, developmental delays, and behavioral issues in children. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant are generally advised to avoid marijuana.

Marijuana Use and Sexual Anxiety

  • Reduction in Sexual Anxiety: One of the commonly cited benefits of marijuana use is its ability to reduce anxiety, which can be particularly beneficial in the context of sexual health. Anxiety can be a significant barrier to sexual enjoyment, leading to performance issues and reduced satisfaction. By alleviating anxiety, marijuana may help individuals feel more comfortable and confident during sexual activity.
  • Increased Paranoia: However, it’s important to note that marijuana does not affect everyone in the same way. For some individuals, especially those prone to anxiety or paranoia, cannabis can exacerbate these feelings. Increased paranoia or anxiety during sexual activity can have the opposite effect, leading to discomfort and a decrease in sexual satisfaction.

The Role of CBD in Sexual Health

  • Non-Psychoactive Benefits: CBD (cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits without the “high” associated with THC. CBD is often used to reduce anxiety, alleviate pain, and improve overall well-being, which can indirectly benefit sexual health. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, CBD may enhance sexual experiences.
  • Topical CBD Products: In recent years, topical CBD products, such as lubricants and oils, have been marketed for sexual health. These products are claimed to enhance sexual pleasure by increasing blood flow to the genitals and reducing discomfort during intercourse. While anecdotal evidence supports these claims, more research is needed to confirm the efficacy of CBD in this context.

Marijuana Use and Sexual Satisfaction

  • Enhanced Emotional Connection: Some users report that marijuana enhances their emotional connection with their partner during sexual activity. The heightened sensory experience and relaxation can lead to a deeper sense of intimacy, which may improve sexual satisfaction. This effect is often cited by couples who use marijuana together.
  • Potential for Dependency: However, relying on marijuana to achieve sexual satisfaction can lead to psychological dependency. Some individuals may find it difficult to enjoy sexual activity without the influence of cannabis, which can become problematic if they are unable to access the drug. It’s important for users to be aware of the potential for dependency and to use marijuana mindfully in the context of sexual health.

Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use on Sexual Health

  • Chronic Use and Sexual Dysfunction: Long-term marijuana use has been linked to various forms of sexual dysfunction, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and fertility issues. These effects are more likely to occur in heavy users and may be exacerbated by other lifestyle factors, such as poor diet and lack of exercise. Users should be aware of the potential long-term consequences of chronic marijuana use on their sexual health.
  • Psychological Effects: The long-term psychological effects of marijuana use can also impact sexual health. Chronic use has been associated with mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, which can negatively affect sexual desire and performance. Additionally, long-term use may lead to cognitive impairment, which can further impact sexual health and relationships.

Marijuana Use and Sexual Health: Gender Differences

  • Men vs. Women: The effects of marijuana on sexual health can differ between men and women. Men are more likely to experience issues such as erectile dysfunction and decreased sperm count, while women may experience disruptions in their menstrual cycle and ovulation. Additionally, women may be more vulnerable to the negative effects of marijuana use during pregnancy, making it particularly important for women of childbearing age to consider the potential risks.
  • Hormonal Differences: Hormonal differences between men and women can also play a role in how marijuana affects sexual health. For example, testosterone levels in men are more directly impacted by THC, which can lead to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. In women, THC may interfere with the release of hormones necessary for ovulation, leading to irregular cycles and potential fertility issues.


The relationship between marijuana use and sexual health is complex and multifaceted. While some individuals may experience enhanced sexual pleasure and reduced anxiety with marijuana use, others may face challenges such as decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, and fertility issues. The effects of marijuana on sexual health can vary widely depending on factors such as dosage, frequency of use, and individual biology.

As marijuana becomes increasingly accessible, it’s important for individuals to be informed about the potential risks and benefits associated with its use in the context of sexual health. By understanding how marijuana can impact sexual desire, performance, and reproductive health, users can make more informed decisions about their cannabis consumption and its potential effects on their sexual well-being.


FAQ on Marijuana Use and Sexual Health

1. Can marijuana increase sexual desire?

  • Answer: Yes, marijuana can increase sexual desire for some individuals. The psychoactive compound THC may reduce inhibitions and enhance sensory perception, leading to heightened libido. However, this effect is more commonly reported with moderate use, as high doses or chronic use may have the opposite effect.

2. Does marijuana affect sexual performance?

  • Answer: Marijuana’s impact on sexual performance varies. Some users report enhanced sensations and prolonged orgasms, while others may experience challenges such as erectile dysfunction or delayed ejaculation, especially with higher doses or chronic use.

3. Can marijuana cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?

  • Answer: Yes, marijuana use, particularly in high doses, has been associated with erectile dysfunction in men. THC can affect blood flow to the genitals, making it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection. Chronic use may worsen this condition.

4. Does marijuana affect fertility?

  • Answer: Marijuana can affect fertility in both men and women. In men, it may reduce sperm count and motility, while in women, it can disrupt the menstrual cycle and ovulation, potentially making conception more difficult.

5. Is it safe to use marijuana during pregnancy?

  • Answer: No, using marijuana during pregnancy is not considered safe. THC can cross the placenta and potentially impact fetal development, leading to risks such as low birth weight, developmental delays, and behavioral issues in children.

6. Can marijuana help reduce sexual anxiety?

  • Answer: Marijuana may help reduce sexual anxiety for some individuals by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. However, it can also increase anxiety or paranoia in others, particularly in higher doses, which could negatively impact sexual experiences.

7. What is the difference between THC and CBD in terms of sexual health?

  • Answer: THC is the psychoactive compound in marijuana that can enhance libido and sexual pleasure but may also cause side effects like erectile dysfunction. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and is often used to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, which can indirectly benefit sexual health without the “high” associated with THC.

8. Can marijuana use lead to dependency for sexual satisfaction?

  • Answer: Yes, some individuals may become psychologically dependent on marijuana to achieve sexual satisfaction, finding it difficult to enjoy sexual activity without it. It’s important to be mindful of this potential dependency and to use marijuana responsibly.

9. How does chronic marijuana use affect long-term sexual health?

  • Answer: Chronic marijuana use can lead to various long-term sexual health issues, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and fertility problems. Additionally, it may contribute to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, further impacting sexual health and relationships.

10. Are there gender differences in how marijuana affects sexual health?

  • Answer: Yes, there are gender differences. Men are more likely to experience issues like erectile dysfunction and reduced sperm count, while women may face disruptions in their menstrual cycle and ovulation. Hormonal differences also play a role in how marijuana affects sexual health in men and women.

11. Can topical CBD products improve sexual pleasure?

  • Answer: Some topical CBD products, such as lubricants and oils, are marketed for enhancing sexual pleasure by increasing blood flow and reducing discomfort during intercourse. While anecdotal evidence supports these claims, more research is needed to confirm their efficacy.

12. Should I consult a healthcare professional before using marijuana for sexual health?

  • Answer: Yes, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using marijuana for sexual health, especially if you have underlying health conditions, are pregnant, or are trying to conceive. A healthcare provider can offer guidance based on your individual health needs.