How to prepare for the IELTS test? Tips & Advice


International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is considered the fastest route to earn a ticket to studying abroad. Although your success rate truly depends on your commitment and practice, a combination of a few unique techniques can give you a shot at getting the desired grade for IELTS. Read on.

Get a good grasp on the vocabulary

As an English learner; you must be capable of putting words into the proper context as much as possible.You can learn many words by reading frequently. In this way, you are exposed to a large collection of words, and in turn better your vocabulary. As you go about reading, pay close attention to words that are unknown to you and underline or highlight them, later going ahead to figure out their meanings from the supporting context. Spend time looking the words up in the dictionary, as well as read and listen to challenging materials like the English language news.

Increase your reading time

Learn to skim and scan to form a general image of a text in less time. Also, make sure you know exactly what is required for each type of question. Go back to analyse previous years question papers and check all instructions carefully. You can employ this effort for further clues about the content and organisation of the text expected in an IELTS exam. Remember to use the key vocabulary and once you have done the task and checked your answers, move on to compare them with the dictionary.

Develop efficient writing ability

Start by practising timed writing to improve your speed, and keep in mind to write answers below the minimum length. Record words while present in your English class say the word resoundingly to kick-start your sound-related memory and relate the word to similar words. Always, remember to plan before you start writing a paragraph to check if all parts of the question are addressed.

Practise both fluency and punctuation

Make a habit of talking for a considerable long time, and when in private talk aloud in English to hear you pronounce different words. Another fruitful method is to record yourself speaking on different topics as often as possible. To clarify your pronunciation, start listening to spoken English on radio, TV or films as much as you can.

Enhance your listening skills

To prepare for the listening skills test, take your time to think about the task content and focus. Check the instructions and listen to a particular recording just once, highlighting in your mind useful expressions. Methods that you can incorporate into your daily life are to listen to the morning news on an English channel.

If you are willing to acquire helpful tips that are sure to equip you to be ready for the exam, consider opting for IELTS exam preparation course. Send in your enquiry for more information.